Clinical Trial Project
We was appointment as an ANCHOR COMPANY from Malaysia Government under for Economy Transformation Program (ETP). The Economic Transformation Program is initiate by the Malaysian Government under the Economy Planing Unit (EPU) which the objective is to turn Malaysia into a high income economy by year 2020.
MitoMasa had developed 2 botanical drugs for human clinical test which our project is managed by the Performance Management & Delivery Unit ( PEMANDU ), an agency under the Prime Minister Department of Malaysia and also the Ministry of Agriculture & Agro-Based Industry Malaysia ( MOA ) and Institute of Medical Research Malaysia (IMR)
Meanwhile, we have local and oversea Contract Research Organisation (CRO) with Good Lab Practice (GLP) to certified the safe use and efficacy of our product.
Our human clinical trial is target on the aging associate disease which use for:
1) Anti Alzheimer
2) Anti Cancer
Contact us
The Mitomasa Sdn.Bhd
13G & 13-1, Jalan LJ3, Lembah Jaya Industrial Park, 68000 Ampang, Selangor, MALAYSIA
Tel: +60-3-4288-0198
whatsapp: +60-17-215-6667
Email: (English /日本語)
Moringa Plantation:
Moringa Tea: